Convert currencies and monitor exchange rates anywhere, anytime.
- With Currency Converter & Monitor, you can convert more than 160 different currencies simultaneously and monitor their variations.
- Track the exchange rates, of your monitored currencies, in your Today/widget view
- Ask the app to send you notifications when a currency exchange rate goes above and/or below defined limits.
- Monitor and Record the currencies variations and predict exchange rates trends.
Always be aware of the latest exchange rates, and make your international money transfers and withdraws at the right time.
- Widget to quickly convert your favorite currency right from your Todays view: set this widget by taping the new ¥€$ button
- More than 160 different currencies available
- Convert multiple currencies simultaneously
- Exchange rates updated every hour
- Follow your monitored currencies from the Today/widget view
- Study the variations of your monitored currencies and predict exchange rates trends
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